Sunday, September 9, 2012

What We're Learning This Week

Idiom- open a can of worms
Classroom Words- geologist, province, cartilage, centimeter
Alabama Fact- page 4

Lessons 2.2-2.5
Equivalent Name, Name-Collection Boxes, Place Value, Organizing Data
Lesson 2.5 (Organizing Data can be tricky for most 4th graders.  It covers mode, range, minimum, and maximum.)

Investigation 2 Joints
Be on the lookout for another vocabulary powerpoint and quizlet link through email.  We will be making another vocabulary briefcase on Monday.  Please review the words.

Teachers from the Regional School of the Deaf and Blind will visit our students on Friday.

Test on Wednesday
Starting Unit 2  Thursday on Main Idea and Supporting Details

Wrapping up Chapter 1 this week
Test on Chapter 1 Thursday