Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our Class Mural

As a part of OLWEUS Bully Training, our class broke into small groups to create a class mural.  We discussed what we wanted our class to be like and represent.  It was evident that each student had high expectations of how others should be treated.  Our mural was laminated to preserve it for the school year.  It will hang as a reminder of how Mrs. Benton's class will treat others as well as how we want to be treated.
Pictures and Captions by Trey P.
Busy at work.

Group 1 took a break to reflect on what they had done so far.

So many things to represent in our drawing.  How will we fit it all in?

"Look Mrs. Benton.  We drew us hanging from a bar.  Get it,supportive?!"

Our class worked on a mural.  There are four murals.  The groups are:
Group 1: Caroline, Elizabeth, Ira, and Trey
Group 2: Clara Leder, Aerielle, Glynn, and Coleman
Group 3: Lily, Ellie, William, and Alexis
Group 4: David, Julia Palmer, Reiney, and Lewis.