Sunday, September 30, 2012

What We Are Learning This Week

Idiom: ants in pants  (restless, can't sit still)
Classroom Words: homecoming, muscles, repel
Alabama Fact: page 6

Begin process of making Parts of Speech Videos

Beginning Unit 3
Only 2 "5" minute Math Fact Quizzes left.  The "3" minute time will begin October 19.
Parent letter going home on Monday.

Finishing up the Vertebrate and Invertebrate comparison paper.
Beginning Investigation 3 on Muscles- email including Quizlet link and PowerPoint of vocabulary terms has already been sent out.  Let me know if I need to resend it.

Finishing Chapter 2- test will be next week
Indian Land Projects are due October 11

Unit 2 test this Friday- students already have study guides
October Reading Project instructions will be given tomorrow.  It's a series book memory bag due October 31.

We are going on the Downtown Walking Tour this Thursday.  Please pack a sack lunch.  Students will be in uniform but tennis shoes will most likely be allowed.  I will update you through the assignment pad if there is a change in anything pertaining to the field trip.

Homecoming 2012

Making Bar Graphs

As a wrap up to Unit 2, each group of students determined what items they would bring in to chart.  The groups were required to analyze the data of what they brought in,
determine the minimum and maximum numbers along with the mode. 
Students then had to create a bar graph displaying their information.
Skittles Galore separated by colors.

Candy separated by types.

Jolly Ranchers by colors.

Types of trophies was the choice of this group.

Graphing and decorating is so much fun.

Homecoming Shakers

Writing Anecdotes

Our writing this quarter has focused on Comparison writing.  The students have been busy writing their vision statements and central questions.  Mrs. Robinson stopped by to assist students in writing their anecdotes.  We are taking what we are learning in Writing and carrying it over to Science.  The students have been comparing vertebrates to invertebrates.

Using our sketchings to help guide our vision statements.

A Moment From the Week

The Regional School was awesome.  We played a dancing game.  We tried to help our partner. There was a sensory room that had a water bed.  We had lots of fun.  The dancing game was when a Regional School sudent and a St. Paul's student tried to do what the other student did.  It was very hard.

Written by David B.

Magnificent Manners Winners

Clara Leder, Alexis and Coleman got Magnificent Manners
in library for the past three weeks.
Picture and Caption by Glynn C.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Regional School Visit

I can't find the proper words to describe the awesomeness of today.  My students truly represented what it meant to be a St. Paul's Saint.  I hope the pictures paint a picture of what the students experienced today.  Please enjoy the pictures comment free.