Sunday, March 24, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Just a few more days until Spring Break! I know we are all looking forward to it!

Math: We will continue Chapter 9 on fractions, percents and decimals. There will be a test on lessons 9.1-9.5 on Wed. March 27th.  We will continue the rest of the chapter on multiplying and dividing decimals after Spring Break, followed by a test on Friday, April 12thThere will also be a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.
 Please help your child practice figuring percentages from decimals and fractions. A great way to review is to look at sale prices. Have your child figure out the sale price if an item is 50 percent or 25 percent off.

English: We will be working on persuasive writing. We will focus on an introduction, body, and conclusion as well as giving reasons supported with details. Within our writing we will focus on proper sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization.

Reading: We will finish our review unit this week. We will test on our book There’s an Owl in the Shower on Thursday, March 28th. The test will be comprehension questions related to the story and vocabulary matching. A vocabulary study guide has been given. We will begin Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions, after Spring Break. March book projects are due Thursday, March 28thand will be presented in class on Friday, March 29th. I will also give the instructions for the April book project before Spring Break so students can begin their reading. The genre for this book will be History or Historical Fiction. The project will be due on Tuesday, April 30th.

Writing: We will continue a unit on persuasive writing.

Science: We will experiment with sound vibrations this week.

History: We are continuing Chapter 8, The Great Depression this week. Tentative test date: Friday, April 12th.


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: none
History: none
Reading: Thursday, March 28th
Science: none
Math: test on wednesday.  MatFacts quiz- Friday, March 29th
Writing: none
Spanish: none

Upcoming Events:
Monday, March 25th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
Thursday, March 28th- Class Group Pictures
Friday, March 29th- Good Friday- Early Dismissal- 11:40- Carpool 1; 11:50- Carpool 2. Extended Session from 11:50-5:30
April 1-5 Spring Break

Monday, April 8th- Chapel- 8:00
Monday, April 15th- Chapel- 8:00
Tuesday, April 23rd, 4th Grade Musical
Friday, April 26th- 4th Grade Sea Turtle Cake Walk
Monday, April 29th- Chapel- 8:00