Sunday, March 3, 2013

Alexis Plays Reporter For the Class

Clara Leder and Caroline are hard workers.

Mrs. Benton is writing down homework.

Mrs. Benton is explaining the Alabama Baptist
Children's home basketball court.

Glynn is drawing on her grid.

Reiney and Ira are doing the cube drop.

Reiney and Aerielle make a good group.
40 Acres and a Mule is working together.
School Story group is meeting with Mrs. McCullough.

Elizabeth and Clara Leder are looking at the book projects.

Lunch Time!

Reiney and Julia Palmer playing Stonewall.

Glynn's bubble face

I'm swimming.

Mrs. McCullough is answering a question.

Mrs. Wharton is reading to me, Caroline, Ellie, David, and Lewis.

We are playing ZONK!

Alexis gets a ZONK!