Monday, March 18, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Fourth quarter is here!  Mrs. McCullough and I will be stressing responsibility and organization as well as good listening skills as we move into final preparations for 5th grade! Your support is appreciated!

ART:  Make sure you bring in your supplies for youe endangered species mask.  It is due by Friday but you can bring it in early and store it in the calssroom.

Math:  We will start Chapter 9 on fractions, percents and decimals. There will be a test on lessons 9.1-9.5 on Wed. March 27th.  We will continue the rest of the chapter on multiplying and dividing decimals after Spring Break, followed by a test on Friday, April 12th. There will also be a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.

English: Continuing Antecedents and Pronouns

Reading: Since we are studying endangered species as a cross-curricular unit, we will all be reading the book There’s an Owl in the Shower, for our next reading unit. We will take this opportunity to review previous comprehension skills and visual tools. We will begin Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions, after Spring Break. March book project instructions have been given. The genre is mystery or adventure. Due date: Thursday, March 28th.

Writing: We will start a unit on persuasive writing.

Science:  We have started a Unit on Sound. There will be a vocabulary quiz on the terms from Investigation 1 on Friday, March 22nd. The quizlet link on these terms has already been sent. Students will also need to know the properties of sound for this quiz.

History:  We are working on Chapter 8, The Great Depression, this week.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, March 22nd.  Our figurative language focus is now onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “hiss”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P.2 . We are starting over on our packet. The students must choose a fact they have not previously studied. Classroom Words are: rationed, endangered, discrimination, decimal


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, March 22nd.
History: none
Reading: none
English: Pronoun/ Antecedent quiz on Friday, March 22nd.   
Science:  Vocab. Quiz, Investigation 1- Friday, March 22nd.
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, March 22nd.
Writing: none
Spanish: test on Wed., March 20th 

Upcoming Events:
Monday, March 25th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
Thursday, March 28th- Class Group Pictures
Friday, March 29th- Good Friday- Early Dismissal- 11:40- Carpool 1; 11:50- Carpool 2. Extended Session from 11:50-5:30
April 1-5 Spring Break
Monday, April 8th- Chapel- 8:00
Monday, April 15th- Chapel- 8:00
Tuesday, April 23rd, 4th Grade Musical
Friday, April 26th- 4th Grade Sea Turtle Cake Walk
Monday, April 29th- Chapel- 8:00