Sunday, May 5, 2013

What We're Learning This Week

Important Dates This Week:

Tuesday- Playground Project Bake Sale for 3-4 and 5-6 grade lunch waves and Mother's Day shopping in the Campus Store during PE
Thursday- AR Store at 8:30
Friday- The Duke Field Trip (sack lunch needed)

What We are Learning:

Test on chapter 11 this Thursday.  Please review debits and credits, adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, and how to find the volume of solids at home.  The last math facts quiz is coming up!

Review of prefix and suffix and of grammar skills covered this year.

We will start unit 9, compare and contrast this week.  We will also begin our "in class" Poetry book project for May.

We are working on coaching sessions for persuasive writing.

Vocabulary test on all terms from the unit will be on Tuesday, May 7th.  The end of the unit test is coming soon.

We will start chapter 10 this week, Challenges and Changes- Alabama after 1960.

Spelling Test this Friday, May 10th.  Alabama Fact should come from page 7 and must be a fact not previously studied.  We have finished all of our spelling units in our workbook.  Spelling tests will be on words previously studied.  These words can be found on the back inside cover of the Spelling Workbook. 
Spelling Hint:  Study the third column of words.

Prefix: "im-" meaning not (impossible)
Suffix: "-er/or" meaning one who does something (painter, swimmer)

Test this Wednesday

Upcoming Dates:
Monday- May 6 Chapel
Tuesday May 7- shopping for Mother's Day in the Campus Store
Tuesday May 7- Bake Sale
Friday May 10- The Duke field trip - sack lunch and drink needed
May 20 - All 4th grade leads Church
May 20- 4th Grade Musical
May 24- Last Day old School and Field Day