Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Is Going on This Week

I can't believe the end of the school year is here!  I have really enjoyed teaching this phenomenal class. 

Singing on the Red Steps.  All fourth graders will sing together for this special service.
Musical at 1:00 in the theater "A Day in the Life of a Fourth Grader"

We will be sharing their Poetry In-Class Projects and signing their writing portfolios.  We will begin cleaning up our desks today.  Please bring an empty backpack to begin brining items hone in.

We will be continuing gathering items to take home and cleaning up the room. 

KICKBALL DAY!!!!!!  This is the second annual 4th grade kickball tournament.  The students will either be in PE uniforms or out of uniform this day.  I will update the class on the specifics before hand.  Please send a drink for your child along with sunglasses as it will be hot.

Field Day and End of the Year Party.  This will be an out of uniform day but the shirts will be provided.