Sunday, May 12, 2013

Many Things Happened This Week

Many things happened this week.  We had a bake sale to raise money for our playground.  We earned $167 and change in the bake sale.  The people we sold to were the 3-4 graders and the 5-6 graders.  We still have to sell to the second graders and we are going to sell popsicles to them.  Our total for the playground project is $437 and change.

We have been working in Music and we recorded our songs.  Our songs are Celebration which we changed to Recess Time.  We also had Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and we changed that to Homework is not fun. 

We had a Math test.  We started a new History chapter.  We are starting a new Reading unit.  Our project is an in class Poetry project.  We went to the Duke on Friday.  It was cancelled because they heard thunder.  That is what we did this week.

Written by Lily