Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Is Going on This Week

I can't believe the end of the school year is here!  I have really enjoyed teaching this phenomenal class. 

Singing on the Red Steps.  All fourth graders will sing together for this special service.
Musical at 1:00 in the theater "A Day in the Life of a Fourth Grader"

We will be sharing their Poetry In-Class Projects and signing their writing portfolios.  We will begin cleaning up our desks today.  Please bring an empty backpack to begin brining items hone in.

We will be continuing gathering items to take home and cleaning up the room. 

KICKBALL DAY!!!!!!  This is the second annual 4th grade kickball tournament.  The students will either be in PE uniforms or out of uniform this day.  I will update the class on the specifics before hand.  Please send a drink for your child along with sunglasses as it will be hot.

Field Day and End of the Year Party.  This will be an out of uniform day but the shirts will be provided.

Playground Project Total

This Friday, our class sold popsicles to the second graders.  This sale brought out total money earned to $518.90,  $484 in cash and $34.90 in change.  I am thrilled at our class and their efforts with this project.  Most of the work will be done over the summer and we will have a ribbon cutting ceremony next fall.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

The Duke field trip has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 14th.  Students may come out of uniform (shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes or water shoes, hats, sunscreen , sunglasses).  Please pack a sack lunch.

Friday is a fun afternoon as our class has had great behavior in specials.  This coming Friday we will celebrate this accomplishment.  Students may bring sleeping bags, pillows, board games, electronics, and a special snack of their choosing.  We will begin Fun Friday after the morning classes.

Our class will be presenting our Playground Proposal to the 2nd graders on Monday morning.  This will be the same presentation we did in the Media Center.  We will sell popsicles to the second graders either Tuesday when we get back or on Wednesday.

 This will be a review week with an end of the year assessment on Friday. 

This is a review week.

We will finish Unit 9, Compare and Contrast this week.  We will test on Friday, May 17th.  We will also complete our "in class" Poetry book project for May.

We will miss writing this week due to the field trip.  The class has been sharing their persuasive papers.

The Sound Unit test will be on Tuesday, May 14th.  Please review all notes for the journal and the index cards we made in class.

We will continue Chapter 10 this week, Challenges and Changes- Alabama after 1960.  The test is May 16th.

The final test is this Friday! The words will come from column 2 this week.
Alabama Fact will be from page 8.
Prefix: non-  meaning "not"
Suffix: -able   meaning "can be done"

Upcoming Events:
Monday: Proposal to the second graders
Tuesday: The Duke make up field trip
Friday: Fun Day
May 20th: Fourth Grade to sing on red steps for Church
May 20th: Fourth Grade Musical
May 24th: Last Day of School!!!    Carpool 1 dismisses at 11:40, Carpool 2 at 11:50, extended 11:50-5:30

Many Things Happened This Week

Many things happened this week.  We had a bake sale to raise money for our playground.  We earned $167 and change in the bake sale.  The people we sold to were the 3-4 graders and the 5-6 graders.  We still have to sell to the second graders and we are going to sell popsicles to them.  Our total for the playground project is $437 and change.

We have been working in Music and we recorded our songs.  Our songs are Celebration which we changed to Recess Time.  We also had Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and we changed that to Homework is not fun. 

We had a Math test.  We started a new History chapter.  We are starting a new Reading unit.  Our project is an in class Poetry project.  We went to the Duke on Friday.  It was cancelled because they heard thunder.  That is what we did this week.

Written by Lily

Through the Camera Lense

Coleman being sill with his Bring It Passes.

Mrs. Benton is helping Ira.

Clara Leder, Julia Palmer, Aerielle, and
Caroline doing our in class History project.

Mrs. Benton teaching Math.

Mrs. Wharton teaching us the new Reading unit.

William studying Science.

Mrs. Milford

Ms. Iris
All pictures and captions taken and written  by Caroline J.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What We're Learning This Week

Important Dates This Week:

Tuesday- Playground Project Bake Sale for 3-4 and 5-6 grade lunch waves and Mother's Day shopping in the Campus Store during PE
Thursday- AR Store at 8:30
Friday- The Duke Field Trip (sack lunch needed)

What We are Learning:

Test on chapter 11 this Thursday.  Please review debits and credits, adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, and how to find the volume of solids at home.  The last math facts quiz is coming up!

Review of prefix and suffix and of grammar skills covered this year.

We will start unit 9, compare and contrast this week.  We will also begin our "in class" Poetry book project for May.

We are working on coaching sessions for persuasive writing.

Vocabulary test on all terms from the unit will be on Tuesday, May 7th.  The end of the unit test is coming soon.

We will start chapter 10 this week, Challenges and Changes- Alabama after 1960.

Spelling Test this Friday, May 10th.  Alabama Fact should come from page 7 and must be a fact not previously studied.  We have finished all of our spelling units in our workbook.  Spelling tests will be on words previously studied.  These words can be found on the back inside cover of the Spelling Workbook. 
Spelling Hint:  Study the third column of words.

Prefix: "im-" meaning not (impossible)
Suffix: "-er/or" meaning one who does something (painter, swimmer)

Test this Wednesday

Upcoming Dates:
Monday- May 6 Chapel
Tuesday May 7- shopping for Mother's Day in the Campus Store
Tuesday May 7- Bake Sale
Friday May 10- The Duke field trip - sack lunch and drink needed
May 20 - All 4th grade leads Church
May 20- 4th Grade Musical
May 24- Last Day old School and Field Day

Our Playground Project Prosal

Alexis's Thoughts of the Week

This week our class proposed the Playground Project! It went really good and nobody messed up.  After some thinking, they said yes!  Right now we have about $253.00!  Make sure you send your kid with money on Tuesday for our bake sale.  Have a great week!

Lewis's Photos of the Week

A Word from Glynn

This week was so much fun!  On Monday we had a normal day. Tuesday in Science we did experiments.  We worked hard on our proposal for all of the people who would like to come.  The rest of the days were normal until Friday.  On Friday we had our turtle cake walk and it was so much fun because we all listened to music and the whole grade was there.  Mrs. Benton's class raised the most money for the sea turtles so we got to keep Saintly.  The fifth grade play was also Friday.  It was so funny and good and then after that we went to the skillet for the rest of the time.  It was a really fun week.