Sunday, February 17, 2013

What We are Learning This Week

I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun filled Mardi Gras Break!  Here is what we are covering this week.

We will continue on with chapter 7 on fractions and probability.  The unit test will be wither the 27th or the 28th.  There will be an adding and subtracting fractions quiz on Tuesday, February 19th.

We will be breaking down subjects and predicates into simple subjects/predicates, and complex subjects/predicates.  There "might" be a quiz on Friday.  Ask about our grammar heroes.

We will begin Unit 7 this week.  The comprehension focus is setting and our visual tool is a flow chart.  A study guide with process questions and pattern statement will be given to students this week.  February book project instructions have been given.  The book should be a fable or or tall tale.  DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28th.

We will continue our unit on short stories.  Pattern Statement: Trouble usually moves toward calmness.  Students are to create a character with some sort of problem that the character faces and explain how the character goes about solving that problem.

Chapter 7 begins this week.

Spelling test this Friday. 
Classroom words: probability, emancipated, obligated
Onomatopoeia ( a word whose sound suggests its meaning): beep
Alabama Fact: page 20

Upcoming Events and Needs:
Monday, Feb. 18 - Return from Mardi Gras break and Chapel in the Theatre
Monday, Feb. 25 - Big Church
Thursday, Feb. 28 - Fort Conde Field Trip
Monday, March 4 - Montgomery Field Trip
Friday, March 8 - 3rd Quarter Ends
Monday, March 11 - Chapel in the Theatre
Thursday, March 14 - Tech Fair
Friday, March 15 - Saints Night Out Auction
Monday, March 18 - Student Holiday, Faculty Work Day

Make sure you turn in permission slips and the check for the Montgomery Trip!