Sunday, February 3, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and that you are ready for this last week before Mardi Gras Break! REMINDER: Valentines and boxes/bags should be brought to school on Friday, February 8th. We will have a valentine snack and exchange valentines that afternoon!

Math:   We are continuing work on fractions, probability and chances. The focus will be on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, many names for fractions, and equivalent fractions.  The Chapter 8 test will be February 27 or 28.

English: We will begin simple and complete subjects and predicates.  We will also begin to create a comic strip featuring a specific part of speech.  This strip will be on going for a few weeks.

Reading: We will finish Unit 6- Illustrations. Unit 6 test will be Friday, February 8th.  A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given .  Specs logs will be graded for Unit 6 work this week. February book project instructions have been given. The book should be a fable or tall tale. DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28th.

Writing: We  have started our Unit on short stories. Pattern Statement: Trouble usually moves toward calmness. Students are to create a character with some sort of problem that character faces and explain how they go about solving that problem.

Science: We will be building our Mardi Gras floats on Monday and Tuesday.  We will write papers describing the floats and the circuit that was included on Thursday and Friday.

History:  We will finish Chapter 6 this week and test on Thursday, February 7th.  A study guide will be given this week. Mrs. McCullough will also check History binders on Thursday, Feb. 7th.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, February 8th. Our figurative language focus is now onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “flutter”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 19
Classroom Words: numerator, denominator, graphics, sharecropping


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, February 8th
History:  Chapter 6 Test, Thursday, February 7th
Reading: Unit 6 Test- Friday, February 8th.
English: None
Science:  Writing Paper about the Mardi Gras float built in class
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, February 8th
Writing: none
Spanish:  none 

Upcoming Events:
February 4th- Chapel- 8:00 Theatre
February 11th-15th- Mardi Gras Break