Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our Week in Pictures by Glynn

Ira is reading after he finishes morning work.

Julia Palmer is doing our pattern statement in reading.

Mrs. Stuart is showing us how to do our outline.

Clara Leder and Ellie are building an electromagnet.

Aerielle and Coleman are working in History.

Lewis finishes his listening test.

Mrs. Dealonzo is talking about Reiney's story.

Lily is building an electromagnet.

David is trying a challenge in Science.

An electromagnet that Coleman, Julia Palmer, and Glynn made.

Alexis is drinking after playing on the playground.

Ellie is checking Coleman's homework.

Clara Leder, Caroline, and Lily are working quietly.

Mrs. Benton is building shapes.

Caroline and Reiney are working on their specs log in reading.

Trey at snack time.

Elizabeth is searching a book in the library.