Sunday, February 24, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Please remember that we will have a field trip this Thursday, Feb. 28th. Please send a sack lunch and drink. We will be going to Fort Conde.

Math:   We will finish Chapter 7. Chapter 7 test will be on Wednesday, February 27th. A study guide will go home on Monday. The study guide will be done both at home and in class and will be reviewed on Tuesday.

English: Linking and Helping Verbs

Reading: We will continue Unit 7 this week. The comprehension focus is setting and our visual tool is a flow chart. A study guide with process questions and pattern statement has been given. February book project instructions have been given. The book should be a fable or tall tale. DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28th.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on short stories. Pattern Statement: trouble usually moves toward calmness. Students are to create a character with some sort of problem that character faces and explain how they go about solving that problem.

Science: We have finished investigation 4 on electromagnets. There will be a test on all of the investigations including vocabulary on Thursday and Friday. The test will be split up. All vocabulary terms should be in the journals in the vocabulary briefcases. The notes in the journal are the best things to review.

History:  We will finish Chapter 7 this week. Our test will be on Friday, March 1st.  A study guide will be given. Binder checks for Chapter 7 will also take place on Friday the 1st of March.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, March 1st.  Our figurative language focus is now onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “jingle”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 21. Classroom Words are: technology, equally, missionary and manuscript.


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, March 1st.
History: Chapter 7 Test, Fri. March 1st.
Reading: none
Science:  Test on electromagnets- Thurs. Feb. 28th and Friday, March 1st.
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, March 1st. Chapter 7 Test, Wed. February 27th.

Upcoming Events:
Monday,  Feb. 25th- Church- 8:15
Thursday,  Feb. 28th- Fort Conde Field Trip
Monday,  March 4th- Montgomery Field Trip
Friday, March 8th- 3rd Quarter Ends
Monday,  March 11th- Chapel – Theatre- 8:00
Thursday, March 14th- Tech Fair
Friday, March 15th- Saints Night Out Auction
Monday, March 18th- Student Holiday, Faculty Workday

David's Thoughts

This week we started a new visual tool, setting, in Reading.  There was a easy adding and subtracting fractions quiz in Math.  In Science, we made electromagnets.  We started a new chapter in History.  Don't forget the Science test Thursday and Friday!  Remember to bring items for the fourth grade.
Written by David

Our Week in Pictures by Glynn

Ira is reading after he finishes morning work.

Julia Palmer is doing our pattern statement in reading.

Mrs. Stuart is showing us how to do our outline.

Clara Leder and Ellie are building an electromagnet.

Aerielle and Coleman are working in History.

Lewis finishes his listening test.

Mrs. Dealonzo is talking about Reiney's story.

Lily is building an electromagnet.

David is trying a challenge in Science.

An electromagnet that Coleman, Julia Palmer, and Glynn made.

Alexis is drinking after playing on the playground.

Ellie is checking Coleman's homework.

Clara Leder, Caroline, and Lily are working quietly.

Mrs. Benton is building shapes.

Caroline and Reiney are working on their specs log in reading.

Trey at snack time.

Elizabeth is searching a book in the library.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What We are Learning This Week

I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun filled Mardi Gras Break!  Here is what we are covering this week.

We will continue on with chapter 7 on fractions and probability.  The unit test will be wither the 27th or the 28th.  There will be an adding and subtracting fractions quiz on Tuesday, February 19th.

We will be breaking down subjects and predicates into simple subjects/predicates, and complex subjects/predicates.  There "might" be a quiz on Friday.  Ask about our grammar heroes.

We will begin Unit 7 this week.  The comprehension focus is setting and our visual tool is a flow chart.  A study guide with process questions and pattern statement will be given to students this week.  February book project instructions have been given.  The book should be a fable or or tall tale.  DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28th.

We will continue our unit on short stories.  Pattern Statement: Trouble usually moves toward calmness.  Students are to create a character with some sort of problem that the character faces and explain how the character goes about solving that problem.

Chapter 7 begins this week.

Spelling test this Friday. 
Classroom words: probability, emancipated, obligated
Onomatopoeia ( a word whose sound suggests its meaning): beep
Alabama Fact: page 20

Upcoming Events and Needs:
Monday, Feb. 18 - Return from Mardi Gras break and Chapel in the Theatre
Monday, Feb. 25 - Big Church
Thursday, Feb. 28 - Fort Conde Field Trip
Monday, March 4 - Montgomery Field Trip
Friday, March 8 - 3rd Quarter Ends
Monday, March 11 - Chapel in the Theatre
Thursday, March 14 - Tech Fair
Friday, March 15 - Saints Night Out Auction
Monday, March 18 - Student Holiday, Faculty Work Day

Make sure you turn in permission slips and the check for the Montgomery Trip!

This Week We...

This week lots of things happened.  Monday we started our float.  Tuesday we finished it.  Wednesday, nothing I can remember.  Thursday we got all excited about Friday.  Friday we had our tests and played in the Skillet, and then got our valentines.

Written by Ellie B.

Building Mardi Gras Floats

Here are the class floats when they are finished.  It took us only two days to make all these floats.
By Trey P.

David getting ready to glue on his rows and rows of beads.
Julia Palmer and Glynn discussing themes.

Ellie, Reiney, and Aerielle trying to figure out the layout
of their designs.

Lily is creating her people.

So many decorations now what to do with them?

Ira pulling out his first stage.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and that you are ready for this last week before Mardi Gras Break! REMINDER: Valentines and boxes/bags should be brought to school on Friday, February 8th. We will have a valentine snack and exchange valentines that afternoon!

Math:   We are continuing work on fractions, probability and chances. The focus will be on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, many names for fractions, and equivalent fractions.  The Chapter 8 test will be February 27 or 28.

English: We will begin simple and complete subjects and predicates.  We will also begin to create a comic strip featuring a specific part of speech.  This strip will be on going for a few weeks.

Reading: We will finish Unit 6- Illustrations. Unit 6 test will be Friday, February 8th.  A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given .  Specs logs will be graded for Unit 6 work this week. February book project instructions have been given. The book should be a fable or tall tale. DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28th.

Writing: We  have started our Unit on short stories. Pattern Statement: Trouble usually moves toward calmness. Students are to create a character with some sort of problem that character faces and explain how they go about solving that problem.

Science: We will be building our Mardi Gras floats on Monday and Tuesday.  We will write papers describing the floats and the circuit that was included on Thursday and Friday.

History:  We will finish Chapter 6 this week and test on Thursday, February 7th.  A study guide will be given this week. Mrs. McCullough will also check History binders on Thursday, Feb. 7th.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, February 8th. Our figurative language focus is now onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “flutter”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 19
Classroom Words: numerator, denominator, graphics, sharecropping


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, February 8th
History:  Chapter 6 Test, Thursday, February 7th
Reading: Unit 6 Test- Friday, February 8th.
English: None
Science:  Writing Paper about the Mardi Gras float built in class
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, February 8th
Writing: none
Spanish:  none 

Upcoming Events:
February 4th- Chapel- 8:00 Theatre
February 11th-15th- Mardi Gras Break



Mustachia Benton

Julia Palmer brought in fabric to create a mustache for everyone
to wear to Music class.  As she put it, "We all have mustaches in Music."

Writing Time!

Sharing Biography Reports

It's Fraction Time

Coleman is working hard to create his fraction strips.

Book Fair

Our students were able to purchase books at the Scholastic Book Fair this past week.  Thank yo for coming and supporting our school and for the donations to our class library.  I look forward to using the books in class.

This Week We..

This week was busy and exciting.  On Monday we sang in chapel.  In math we are working on fractions.  In history we are studying chapter 6 Rebuilding Alabama.  During reading we are working on our new unit, Illustrations.  In Science we are focusing on circuits.  Tuesday we went to the book fair and they had great books.  We had an exciting week.