Sunday, November 25, 2012

What's Happening This Week

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
A few reminders:
1.    We are participating in the Angel Tree program this year. Please allow your child to do chores at home to raise money to help purchase gifts for our angels. These children are students at the Regional School. Send all donations to school in an envelope marked Angel Tree by Tuesday, Dec. 4th.Thank you for your support and generosity during this season of giving.
2.   Our student teacher’s last day will be this Friday, Nov. 30th. Please send a school supply (example: box of crayons, pencils, etc.) in a bag this week for Ms. Brown so we can present her with a nice basket of “teacher goodies”. SHHH! It’s a surprise! Ask your child to hand me the goody so I can keep it a secret until Friday! I would also like each student to make a card for Ms. Brown at home this week and bring it to school by Friday morning. We will present the cards and gifts to her on Friday afternoon. Thanks for your help with this!

Math: We will begin Chapter 5- Long Multiplication on Monday.

Reading: We are finishing our unit on Character. We will test on Wed. Nov. 28th. A study guide was given at the beginning of the Unit. We will then begin a new unit on Plot.  NOVEMBER Book Project is a scrapbook page due on November 30th. This book must be a Newberry Award book. We will present these projects in class on Friday.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are beginning their descriptive writing pieces.

Science: Magnets and Electricity- vocabulary words have already been sent on the quizlet link.

History:   Beginning Chapter 4 this week

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, November 30th. The simile for this week is “as easy as ABC” meaning very easy.   Alabama Fact should come from page 12.  Classroom words are perspective, attract, pursuit, and Yeoman.
Upcoming Events:
November 26th- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
November 27th- Saints Night out Pictures (Auction project- a note was sent home earlier)
December 3rd- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
December 3rd- 4th Grade GEMS
December 4th- Angel Tree money due
December 4-7- Christmas shopping in Campus Store (Note to come on this)
December 7th- Field Trip- Babes in Toyland- Saenger Theatre- 8:20-11:00- Sack lunch and drink needed.
December 10th- Chapel- Theatre- 8:00
December 17th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
December 18th- Dismissal at 11:40(Group1); 11:50 (Group2)
December 19- January 2- Christmas Holidays
January 3rd- Classes Resume