Sunday, December 2, 2012

What's Happening This Week

Important Information:
 We are participating in the Angel Tree program this year. Please allow your child to do chores at home to raise money to help purchase gifts for our angels. These children are students at the Regional School. Send all donations to school in an envelope marked Angel Tree by Tuesday, Dec. 4th

Friday, Dec. 7th, your child will have the opportunity to Christmas shop in the Campus Store. Please send permission slip and money (if they are not charging on an account) by Wednesday morning.

Friday, Dec. 7th, we will go to the Saenger theater to watch Babes in Toyland.  Please provide a sack lunch and drink for your child.

We will be continuing Chapter 5 with a focus on Partial Product and Lattice Multiplication.   The test will be December 12th.

We will begin a review Unit this week. Everyone will be reading the book Santa Paws. This is a fun holiday book and is great for reviewing past skills in reading (sequence of events, main idea, cause and effect and character). December book project instructions have been given. This must be a holiday book.  Any holiday is acceptable and the book does not have to be a chapter book. Refer to project directions for more specific information. Due date: Wed. December 12th.

We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are working on their descriptive writing pieces.

We will continue to experiment with magnets.  We will focus on writing a descriptive paper focusing on the vocabulary hats.

Continuing Chapter 4, The Cotton Kingdom, this week.

 Simile for this week is “as good as gold” meaning very good; obedient.
Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 13.
Classroom Words:  lattice, repel, transportation
Important Dates:
December 3rd- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
December 3rd- 4th Grade GEMS
December 4th- Angel Tree money due
December 7th- Christmas Shopping in the Campus Store during PE Time.
December 7th- Field Trip- Babes in Toyland- Saenger Theatre- 8:20-11:00- Sack lunch and drink needed.
December 10th- Chapel- Theatre- 8:00
December 17th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
December 18th- Dismissal at 11:40(Group1); 11:50 (Group2)
December 19- January 2- Christmas Holidays
January 3rd- Classes Resume