Sunday, November 11, 2012

What Has Happened the Past Two Weeks?

This week we took a Science test.  In Writing we started a new unit, descriptive.  We had our unit 4 math test.  We earned a Fun Friday this week.  Our class got Rockin' Reader in Library.  We started D.A.B.S, Doughnuts and Bible Stories.  This week William brought his parakeet Buddy, Ira brought his guinea pig Wizze, and Lewis brought his salamander, Swampy.
                                                                               Written by Julia Palmer W.

This week we learned a lot of things.  We're learning decimals.  Our test is November 9th.  It's a little confusing.  It was also Halloween week.  We all counted our candy.  It was a lot.  That's some thing this week.  At least what I can remember.
                                                                                Written by  Ira C.