Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Examining Bones

Over the past few weeks, the class has learned about the purposes of the human skeleton and the main joints of the body.  We dissected owl pellets, watched as Mrs. Carley taught us how to cut a chicken, listened to guest speakers, and analyzed bones.

This past Monday we examined rodent and chicken leg bones, particularly the femur, pelvis, tibia and fibula.  The students had to figure out how the bones fit together and create a drawing based on their conclusions. The bones and joints were to be correctly identified by name.

The students worked diligently in their interactive Science journals by adding terms to their vocabulary briefcases.  Idea Frameworks and graphic organizers were drawn to compare the types of joints and bones. They reflected on their learning as well by completing a writing on demand. 

Please go to
for information and games on the units we will be covering this year.