Sunday, April 14, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Please make note of the date change for the 4th grade musical.  The date has been changed to  May 20th at 1:00.

We will begin chapter 10 on Reflections and Symmetry.  The tentative test date for the chapter is April 25th or 26th.

We will work on making outlines to assist our formal papers for the endangered species report.  We will also be working on quotation marks again.

Continuing chapter 8, Drawing Conclusions this week.  We are reading books Caleb's Choice, The Friendship Doll, and Running Out of Time.  A study guide with pattern statement, process questions and vocabulary has been given.  April book project instructions have been given as well.  The genre for this book will be History or Historical Fiction.  The project will be due on Tuesday, April 20.

Persuasive Writing Continued- students will write a piece that will persuade someone to get involved in protecting endangered animals.

We will finish investigation 2 this week.  We will end with a quiz this Friday.  The quizlet link was sent out last week.

We will start Chapter 9, Change Comes to Alabama this week.

Spelling Test this Friday, April, 19th.  Alabama Fact should come from page 4 and must be a fact not previously studied.  Classroom words this week are: integrate, frivolous, geometric, and frequency.  We are now focusing on prefixes and suffixes.  Students will be required to write two sentences on their spelling test- one sentence including a prefix and one sentence with a word including a suffix.  Prefix and suffix for next week are:  "Pre" meaning before and "full" meaning full of base word.

Upcoming Dates:
April 15- Chapel
April 15- Speaker from Dauphin Island Sea Lab about Sea Turtles 9:30 am
April 22- Big Church
April 26- Sea Turtle Cake Walk (more info to come on this)
May 6- Chapel
May 7-10 Mother's Day Shopping in the Campus Store
May 20- The Duke Field Trip for our class.  Sack lunch and drink needed
May 20- 4th grade musical
May 24- Last Day of school