Sunday, April 7, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Our class leads chapel tomorrow!
Come hear your student present his or her Endangered Species PowerPoint during technology tomorrow.

Math:  We will be finishing chapter 9 this week focusing on multiplying and dividing with decimals.  The test on the material covered this week will be on Friday.  The math fact quizzes will continue to be on every Friday.

Science:  We will be finishing up Investigation 1 this week.

English:  We will be reviewing quotation marks and antecedents this week.

Reading:  We will begin Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions.  The April book project information will be sent home.  The projects are due April 30 and needs to be on a Historical Fiction or History book.

History:  We are finishing Chapter 8 on the Great Depression.  The test will be on the 12th.  A binder check will be done this day as well.

Writing:  Continuing Persuasive Writing

Spelling:  The Alabama Fact will come page 3 and needs to be a fact not previously chosen.
                  Classroom words:  reflection, vibration, persecuting, converged
                  Onomatopoeia: gurgle.  TEST ON ALL WORDS THIS FRIDAY.