Sunday, April 28, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

We have several things going on in the next few weeks.

Our class Playground Project Proposal is this Tuesday, April 30.  It will be held in the Media Center.  Please try to attend.  The students have done all the work.  It should be great.

We will begin Chapter 11 on volume, capacity, and adding and subtracting with positive and negative numbers.  The test is set for May 9. 

We are still exploring Investigation 3.  This investigation focuses on how sound travels through various mediums, solids, liquids, and gases.  The quiz for this investigation has not been set yet but keep an eye out for the date in the homework pad.  The vocabulary quizlet link was sent out last week.  Please let me know if you did not receive it and would like it resent.

English:  We will finish prefixes and suffixes and then begin a review of various English skills.

Reading:  We will finish Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions,  this week. Unit 8 test will be on Wednesday, May 1st. Specs logs will also be checked this week.   April Book Projects are due on Tuesday, April 30th. We will finish the week playing and sharing our game board projects and reviewing. Unit 9- Compare and Contrast will begin on Monday, May 6th.

Writing: Persuasive writing continued- students will write a piece that will persuade someone to get involved in protecting endangered species.

History:  We will finish Chp. 9 this week. Chp. 9 test will be on Tuesday, April 30th. I will also check binders on that day. We will finish the week working on an in -class group project focusing on civil rights leaders. Chapter 10 will begin on Monday, May 6th.

Spelling:  Spelling Test this Friday, May 3rd.  Alabama Fact should come from page 6 and must be a fact not previously studied. We have finished all of our spelling units in our workbook. Spelling tests will now be on words previously studied. These words can be found on the back inside cover of the Spelling workbook. I have also given students a paper copy of the words.   Words for the test this week will come from Column 1 of the list.  Students will have Spelling homework assignments each night to help in their study of these words. Students should prepare by reviewing this list of words and focusing on the words that are more difficult for them. There will be no classroom words.  We are now focusing on prefixes and suffixes. Students will be required to write two sentences on their Spelling test- one sentence with a word including a prefix and one sentence with a word including a suffix. 
 Prefix for next week: Mis-  meaning “incorrectly”   and the Suffix is –Ing,   meaning “happening now”

A quiz is coming up soon.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, April 29th- Chapel- 8:00
Tuesday, April 30th - Playground Proposal 8:00 in the Media Center
Monday, May 6th- Chapel- 8:00
May 7-10- Mother’s Day Shopping- Campus Store
Friday, May 10- The Duke Field Trip- Mrs. McCullough and Mrs. Benton’s classes. A sack lunch and drink needed.
Monday, May 20th- Church- 8:15- 4thGrade leads worship.
Monday, May 20th- 1:00- 4thGrade musical
Friday, May 24th- Last Day of School – Carpool one Dismissal at 11:40; Carpool 2- 11:50.
Extended Session: 11:50-5:30

Mrs. Benton's Class Playground Proposal

You are invited to attend our Playground Proposal.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
St. Paul's Media Center
8:00 am

Sea Turtle Cake Walk

The girls and their turtle cake creations.

The boys with their much loved cakes.

William and Glynn with their cakes.

Aerielle was selected as the winner of the Sea turtle coloring contest for our class.

We are just a tad excited for the cake walk to begin.

Walking until the music stops.

Trey and Caroline were the first two winners.  They got to
select cakes first.  Thank you to Mrs. Winters and Mrs. Case for
 helping out behind the table.

And so it continues.

The congo line began.

And then there was five.

Our class raised $196.00 for the Sea turtles, collecting the most money.
Saintly, the Save the Sea Turtles mascot, gets to stay in our classroom.

Our crazy class!

Our Week In Pictures

Mrs. Fricke the amazing Art teacher.

This is what we are like in the morning.

Our Reading and History teacher, Mrs. McCullough.

Us in Science,=.

We are pretending to be molecules.

Coleman, Caroline, and Lily are doing writing.
Pictures and Captions by David B.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Star of the Week

J.P.W. was our last student of the week.  Due to computer issues, I was unable to load her picture for the past two weeks.  Here is her spot light.  We learned several neat things about JP from her love of her family to triathlons.  She is a multi-talented, creative young lady.

What We Are Learning This Week

Reminder: Our annual sea turtle cake walk is this Friday, April 26th from 11:40-12:15 in the gym. Please donate a baked good for the cake walk! We are also accepting donations to help save the sea turtles!! Thank you for your support!!

Math:   We will finish Chapter 10 on Reflections and Symmetry. Test will be Friday, April 26th.

English:  We are finished with quotation marks. We will also study root words, prefixes and suffixes this week.

Reading:  Continuing Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions this week.  We are reading the books Caleb’s Choice, The Friendship Doll, and Running out of Time.  A study guide with pattern statement, process questions and vocabulary has been given. April book project instructions have been given as well.  The genre for this book will be History or Historical Fiction. The project will be due on Tuesday, April 30th. Tentative test date for Unit 8- Wednesday, May 1st.

Writing: Persuasive writing continued- students will write a piece that will persuade someone to get involved in protecting endangered species.

Science:  We will start Investigation 3.  A quizlet link will be going out this week as well.

History:  We will continue  Chp. 9, Change Comes to Alabama this week. Tentative test date for Chp. 9- Tuesday, April 30th

Spelling:  Spelling Test this Friday, April 26th.  Alabama Fact should come from page 5 and must be a fact not previously studied. Classroom words this week are: translation, amplify, desegregation, and scrutiny.   We are now focusing on prefixes and suffixes. Students will be required to write two sentences on their Spelling test- one sentence with a word including a prefix and one sentence with a word including a suffix.  Prefix for next week: Un- meaning “not or the opposite of” and Ly- meaning” in a ____way. (example: happily)


Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, April 26th
History: none
Reading: none
Science:  none
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, April 26th. Test on Chp. 10, Friday, April 26th.

Upcoming Events:
Monday, April 22nd- Church- 8:15
Friday, April 26th- 4th Grade Sea Turtle Cake Walk (more info to come on this)
Monday, April 29th- Chapel- 8:00
Monday, May 6th- Chapel- 8:00
May 7-10- Mother’s Day Shopping- Campus Store
 Friday, May 10- The Duke Field Trip- Mrs. McCullough and Mrs. Benton’s classes. A sack lunch and drink needed.
Monday, May 20th- Church- 8:15- 4th Grade leads worship.
Monday, May 20th- 1:00- 4th Grade musical
Friday, May 24th- Last Day of School – Carpool one Dismissal at 11:40; Carpool 2- 11:50.
Extended Session: 11:50-5:30

Pictures by Ellie

Working on interviews.

New writing experience

Sea Turtle Coloring Contest


Turtle Week by Trey

This week is turtle week.  On Monday a marine biologist came to talk to us.  We played a game and only two out of a hundred eggs survived.  Mine was eaten by a Mako shark.  After that we went to lunch and finished the school day.

Written by Trey P.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Please make note of the date change for the 4th grade musical.  The date has been changed to  May 20th at 1:00.

We will begin chapter 10 on Reflections and Symmetry.  The tentative test date for the chapter is April 25th or 26th.

We will work on making outlines to assist our formal papers for the endangered species report.  We will also be working on quotation marks again.

Continuing chapter 8, Drawing Conclusions this week.  We are reading books Caleb's Choice, The Friendship Doll, and Running Out of Time.  A study guide with pattern statement, process questions and vocabulary has been given.  April book project instructions have been given as well.  The genre for this book will be History or Historical Fiction.  The project will be due on Tuesday, April 20.

Persuasive Writing Continued- students will write a piece that will persuade someone to get involved in protecting endangered animals.

We will finish investigation 2 this week.  We will end with a quiz this Friday.  The quizlet link was sent out last week.

We will start Chapter 9, Change Comes to Alabama this week.

Spelling Test this Friday, April, 19th.  Alabama Fact should come from page 4 and must be a fact not previously studied.  Classroom words this week are: integrate, frivolous, geometric, and frequency.  We are now focusing on prefixes and suffixes.  Students will be required to write two sentences on their spelling test- one sentence including a prefix and one sentence with a word including a suffix.  Prefix and suffix for next week are:  "Pre" meaning before and "full" meaning full of base word.

Upcoming Dates:
April 15- Chapel
April 15- Speaker from Dauphin Island Sea Lab about Sea Turtles 9:30 am
April 22- Big Church
April 26- Sea Turtle Cake Walk (more info to come on this)
May 6- Chapel
May 7-10 Mother's Day Shopping in the Campus Store
May 20- The Duke Field Trip for our class.  Sack lunch and drink needed
May 20- 4th grade musical
May 24- Last Day of school

Endangered Species Masks

Vibrations look like this...

We acted out the definitions to the vocabulary terms for Investigation 2 of the Sound Unit in Science class.  What does high frequency look like to you?

Clara Leder's Viewpoint

Mrs. Benton teaching about multiplying decimals.

Alexis and David writing about Spring Break.

Julia Palmer working on math problems.

Pictures and Captions by Clara Leder S.

Endangered Species Presentation

The class has spent several weeks researching a specific endangered animal in technology. After the research was complete, the students created and presented a PowerPoint presentation.  The hard work paid off as each student did a fantastic job.  Mrs. Stuart complimented our behavior and presentations.  Thank you for attending.

Pictures by Clara Leder S.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Our class leads chapel tomorrow!
Come hear your student present his or her Endangered Species PowerPoint during technology tomorrow.

Math:  We will be finishing chapter 9 this week focusing on multiplying and dividing with decimals.  The test on the material covered this week will be on Friday.  The math fact quizzes will continue to be on every Friday.

Science:  We will be finishing up Investigation 1 this week.

English:  We will be reviewing quotation marks and antecedents this week.

Reading:  We will begin Unit 8, Drawing Conclusions.  The April book project information will be sent home.  The projects are due April 30 and needs to be on a Historical Fiction or History book.

History:  We are finishing Chapter 8 on the Great Depression.  The test will be on the 12th.  A binder check will be done this day as well.

Writing:  Continuing Persuasive Writing

Spelling:  The Alabama Fact will come page 3 and needs to be a fact not previously chosen.
                  Classroom words:  reflection, vibration, persecuting, converged
                  Onomatopoeia: gurgle.  TEST ON ALL WORDS THIS FRIDAY.

The Past Two Weeks

Reiney and Ira had these words about the two weeks before Spring Break.

Reiney:  This week in Reading we started our new book There's an Owl in the Shower.  On Wednesday we had a Spanish test.  On Thursday we went to music and worked on our class song.  On Friday we started our masks for our endangered species.  That is what we did this week.

Ira:  this week we had a lot of experiments to do.  The three things we did were first the long gong.  It was a coat hanger and a cup.  You put it up to your ear and your partner taps it with a pencil.  The second one was the tuning fork.  You hit it on a piece of wood and it made a cool sound.  The third one is the door fiddle.  It works like a base.  Friday will be our Spring Break and just in time because I think Mrs. Benton needs a break.