Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's Happening This Week

Math:  Starting Chp. 6- Division and Protractors. A note will come home this Wednesday to help with division strategies.

English:  conjunctions

Reading: We have started Unit 5- Plot. Our visual tool is the Plot line. We are reading the books Runt, Windcatcher, and Bandit’s Moon. A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. January book project will be a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are creating descriptions about their characters and settings of their stories.

Science:  Circuits and Electricity. Quizlet link with all new vocabulary terms was sent last week.

History:   We have started Chapter 5- Alabama at War.   Battle Book Project instructions have been given. Due date: Tuesday, January 22nd.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, January 11th. We are finishing our focus on similes. The simile for this week is “strong as an ox” meaning very strong.   Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 15.
Classroom Words are receiver, filament, anticipation, proclamation


Upcoming Events:

January 7th (Mon)- Chapel-8:00- Theatre
January 10th (Thurs)- Grades 3-4- Open House- 5:30-6:30
January 14th(Mon)- Church 8:15-St. Paul’s church. Mrs. McCullough and Mrs. Benton’s classes will lead in worship.
January 21st(Mon)- School Holiday- Martin Luther King Day
January 28th(Mon)- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
January 28th-31st- Book Fair- more information to come.
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
12:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2