Sunday, January 27, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Important Information:
  • We will be singing in church this Monday morning at St. Paul’s church starting at 8:10.
  • Please turn in all green Bruno receipts.
  • Book Fair is this week.  Our class goes on Tuesday at 9:30.
  • We are in need of items for the 4th grade store.

Math:    We will start Unit 7 on fractions, chances and probability. The Unit 7 test is tentatively scheduled for February 26th.

English:  Reviewing all Parts of Speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, interjections, conjunctions, prepositions

Reading: We have started Unit 6- Illustrations.  A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. January book project is a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st.  

Writing: We are working on setting descriptions. We are focusing on the five senses to create our descriptions.

Science: We are continuing series and parallel circuits. Quiz on investigation 3 on Friday, February 1st. Mardi Gras shoe boxes are due on February 1st as well. Floats will be created in class. All that is needed is a shoebox. They can go ahead and paint the boxes at home but nothing else. Information was emailed out.

History:  We have started Chapter 6, Rebuilding Alabama.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, February 1st. Our figurative language focus is onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “bang”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 18
classroom words: illustrations, reconstruction, parallel, fraction

Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, February 1st.
History: none
Reading: none
English: Parts of Speech test on Friday.
Science:  Quiz- Friday, February1st.
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, February 1st.

Upcoming Events:
January 28th (Mon)- Church- 8:10- St. Paul’s Church. Mrs. McCullough’s and Mrs. Benton’s classes will lead in worship.
January 28th-31st- Book Fair
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
12:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2
February 4th- Chapel- 8:00 Theatre
February 11th-15th- Mardi Gras Break