Sunday, January 27, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

Important Information:
  • We will be singing in church this Monday morning at St. Paul’s church starting at 8:10.
  • Please turn in all green Bruno receipts.
  • Book Fair is this week.  Our class goes on Tuesday at 9:30.
  • We are in need of items for the 4th grade store.

Math:    We will start Unit 7 on fractions, chances and probability. The Unit 7 test is tentatively scheduled for February 26th.

English:  Reviewing all Parts of Speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, interjections, conjunctions, prepositions

Reading: We have started Unit 6- Illustrations.  A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. January book project is a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st.  

Writing: We are working on setting descriptions. We are focusing on the five senses to create our descriptions.

Science: We are continuing series and parallel circuits. Quiz on investigation 3 on Friday, February 1st. Mardi Gras shoe boxes are due on February 1st as well. Floats will be created in class. All that is needed is a shoebox. They can go ahead and paint the boxes at home but nothing else. Information was emailed out.

History:  We have started Chapter 6, Rebuilding Alabama.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, February 1st. Our figurative language focus is onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “bang”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 18
classroom words: illustrations, reconstruction, parallel, fraction

Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, February 1st.
History: none
Reading: none
English: Parts of Speech test on Friday.
Science:  Quiz- Friday, February1st.
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, February 1st.

Upcoming Events:
January 28th (Mon)- Church- 8:10- St. Paul’s Church. Mrs. McCullough’s and Mrs. Benton’s classes will lead in worship.
January 28th-31st- Book Fair
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
12:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2
February 4th- Chapel- 8:00 Theatre
February 11th-15th- Mardi Gras Break 


Ira's Look At the Week

William doing the Waltz with Ms. Iris in Spanish.

Two girls building a circuit.

David's group building a circuit.

Lily's group building a circuit.

Ellie's group building a circuit.

My group building a circuit.

Look at that motor run baby.

This Week We...

This week we made a series circuit.  We had 2 light bulbs, 3 wires, and one battery and those are the components.  My table made 2 light bulbs and one motor work on the same wire.  In history we are starting a new unit.  It is chapter 6.  That's just some of what we did this week.

Written by Coleman

Monday, January 21, 2013

What We Are Learning This Week

I hope that everyone enjoyed their long weekend! This will be a short but busy week!

Math:    Will finish and test Chapter 6 on Friday.  A study guide will come home on Tuesday.

English:  Parts of speech review- nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and interjections.

Reading: We are finishing Unit 5- Plot.  A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. Unit 5 test will be Wednesday, January 23rd.January book project will be a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st.  We will start Unit 6- illustrations on Thursday, January 24th.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are creating descriptions about their characters and settings of their stories.

Science:  Beginning Investigation 3 Advanced Connections (Series and Parallel Circuits). There will be no quizlet link for this investigation. There are only three terms and they will be covered in class in detail. A note will come home on materials needed to build Mardi Gras floats from shoe boxes that will be lit up from a circuit built in class.

History:    Battle Book Project is due on Tuesday, January 22nd. We will present projects in class on that day. We will start Chapter 6, Rebuilding Alabama on Thursday.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, January 25th. Our figurative language focus is now onomatopoeia- a word whose sound suggests its meaning. The word this week is “splash”.  Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 17
Classroom Words: tariff, angle, insulator, biography

Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, January 25th
History: none
Reading: Unit 5- Wednesday, January 23rd.
Science:  none
Math:  Math Facts quiz- Friday, Jan.25th

Upcoming Events:
January 21st (Mon) - School Holiday- Martin Luther King Day
January 28th (Mon)- Church- 8:10- St. Paul’s Church. Mrs. McCullough’s and Mrs. Benton’s classes will lead in worship.
January 28th-31st- Book Fair- more information to come.
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
                                      12:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2
February 4th- Chapel- 8:00 Theatre
February 11th-15th- Mardi Gras Break

Soda Fountain!

These ladies purchased a Soda Fountain ticket.  Each young lady
earned a minimum of $350 in credits to purchase the ticket.
 Keep up the great work!  I am looking forward to the next group of purchasers.

Reiney's Look At the Week

Coleman working on morning work.

Glynn saying the prayer for lunch.

Aerielle working on writing.

Elizabeth's I have a dream.

Clara Leder working on Math.

Glynn working.

Lily and Julia Palmer playing a Math game.

Elizabeth and Glynn playing a Math game.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What We're Learning This Week

PLEASE NOTE- this Monday, January 14th will be chapel in the theatre, not church. The church service will be on Monday, January 28th at St. Paul’s church.

Math:  Continuing Chp. 6- Division and Protractors, interpreting remainders, rotations and angles. Division quiz on Tuesday, January 15th. Unit 6 Test- January 25th.

Reading: We are continuing Unit 5- Plot. Our visual tool is the Plot line. We are reading the books Runt, Windcatcher, and Bandit’s Moon. A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. January book project will be a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st. Tentative test date for Unit 5- Plot- Wednesday, January 23rd.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are creating descriptions about their characters and settings of their stories.

Science:  Building a motor circuit, finding insulators and conductors. Quiz Friday, January 18th on Investigation 2, which includes circuits and the vocabulary terms.

History:   We are finishing Chapter 5- Alabama at War. Test will be on Friday, January 18th.  Battle Book Project instructions have been given. Due date: Tuesday, January 22nd.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, January 18th. We are finishing our focus on similes. The simile for this week is “as white as a ghost” meaning very white.   Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 16.   We will have a test on similes on Friday, January 18th.  Classroom words are dividend, inaugurated, resolution.

Assessments for the week:
Spelling: Friday, January 18th (similes quiz as well)
History: Friday, January 18th
Reading: none
Science:  Quiz on Investigation 2- Friday, January 18th.
Math:  Division Quiz on Tuesday, Math Facts quiz- Friday, Jan.18th
Spanish: Quiz Wednesday, January 16th


Upcoming Events:
January 14th(Mon)- Chapel 8:00- theatre 
January 21st (Mon)- School Holiday- Martin Luther King Day
January 28th (Mon)- Church- 8:10- St. Paul’s Church.  We will lead in worship.
January 28th-31st- Book Fair- more information to come.
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
2:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2

Seeing Through Aerielle's Eyes

We just learned division this week and Julia Palmer was about to
explode with an answer.

Lily's Look at the Week

It was our first full week back from Christmas break.  We started to learn about the Civil War in History.  In Science we are learning about circuits and D-cells.  We did an experiment that lights up a light bulb.  On Thursday we had Open House.  It was really fun!

Written by Lily

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's Happening This Week

Math:  Starting Chp. 6- Division and Protractors. A note will come home this Wednesday to help with division strategies.

English:  conjunctions

Reading: We have started Unit 5- Plot. Our visual tool is the Plot line. We are reading the books Runt, Windcatcher, and Bandit’s Moon. A study guide with process questions, vocabulary and pattern statement has been given. January book project will be a biography. Project instructions have been given. Due date for the project is Thursday, January 31st.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are creating descriptions about their characters and settings of their stories.

Science:  Circuits and Electricity. Quizlet link with all new vocabulary terms was sent last week.

History:   We have started Chapter 5- Alabama at War.   Battle Book Project instructions have been given. Due date: Tuesday, January 22nd.

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, January 11th. We are finishing our focus on similes. The simile for this week is “strong as an ox” meaning very strong.   Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 15.
Classroom Words are receiver, filament, anticipation, proclamation


Upcoming Events:

January 7th (Mon)- Chapel-8:00- Theatre
January 10th (Thurs)- Grades 3-4- Open House- 5:30-6:30
January 14th(Mon)- Church 8:15-St. Paul’s church. Mrs. McCullough and Mrs. Benton’s classes will lead in worship.
January 21st(Mon)- School Holiday- Martin Luther King Day
January 28th(Mon)- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
January 28th-31st- Book Fair- more information to come.
January 30th(Wed)- Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Development
12:40- Group 1; 12:50- Group 2


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What We are Learning This Week

Classes resume on Thursday, January 3.

Spelling will begin on Monday, January 7.
We will spend Thursday and Friday reviewing and assessing content from the first semester.

Celebrating Hanukah

Dr. Brown came to our class to explain Hanukkah.  The class learned about the Menorah and the symbolism of the 8 candles.  After participating in a PowerPoint discussion, students were allowed to play with draydels and eat chocolate coins.  Thank you Dr. Brown for coming in and talking with us!