Sunday, May 13, 2012

Things You Need to Know

1.  There will not be a study guide for the Math test this week.  The students need to review everything
     covered through out the year.  The best things to review are the workbooks, the text book, and the
     study links.  I am looking into some Everyday Math Apps.

2.  World Tour Day is next Tuesday, May 22.  Our class is covering France with the help of Mrs.
     Rihner.  We will be getting with Mrs. Howes about what all is needed.  Please contact Mrs. Howes
     if you are interested in helping in some way, from donating your time or help gathering supplies.

3.  We will be doing research in the computer lab on Monday.  The students need to take the     
      information from their research and create a poster due this Friday.

4.  Our final church service will be Monday, May 21.  All fourth graders will sing together on the red
     steps.  This will be the last time they sing together as a grade level until the end of their senior
     year.  You are more than welcome to attend.  I hope to see you there.

5.  Field Day will be May 25.

6.  If your child has a summer birthday, June through August, please feel free to celebrate it before
     the end of the school year.  Email me if you want to do something.