Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Duke

On Thursday, our class went on a boat called the "Duke."  First we got on and left the Dauphin Island Marina.  A little ways out we dropped a special net. The net captured plankton.  We put the plankton from the net into a container and used a special microscope to see the plankton.  After that we dropped the big net.  We dragged the big net around for a while, then we pulled up the net.  In the net we caught catfish, pin fish, needle fish, croacker, sting ray, cigar minnow, flounder, x-ray fish, and squid.  After we messed with the fish, we threw them to the birds.  It was a great trip.
By Matthew M.
Zach waiting to board.

Waiting to look at the plankton.

Alex observing the small organisms.

Listening to the guide.

Dragging in the net.

Some of what the net dragged in.

The boys could not wait to get their hands in the tub.

Max holding a small flounder.

Mrs. Benton's class went to the Duke with Mrs. Keesee. 
We caught a lot of fish.  It was really fun!
Caption by Lilli N.

Boys grabbing the fish.

A handful of squid.

Lucas found an interesting organism.

Camille playing with fish.

Lucas showing off his find.

The girls had waited long enough.

We don't back down from fish.

Grace showing off her fish.