Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Field Day = Fun Times

Singing on the Red Steps

The Fourth Grade Class of St. Paul's.

Mrs. Benton's Class 2011-2012

World Tour Day

The fourth graders got to spend a morning learning about various countries.  We had been preparing for this day for several weeks.  Each teacher selected a country to teach.  Parents stepped in to help prepare food, teach lessons, bring in examples, and help monitor students.  I could not have done this without all your help.  Thank you to everyone involved. 


Some of the boys getting ready to make sandwiches.

Mrs. Rihner giving instructions.

The boys filling the tarts.






Mythology Floats

The students were allowed to work individually or in groups to
create a float based on a God or Goddess from a book read
during Library.

Mrs. Joyce's class came for a tour and to view a photostory.

Sea Turtle Presentation

A representative from the Sea Lab came to speak to our students the last week of school.  The fourth graders presented her a check for $500.  The students got to participate in an activity demonstrating the probability of a sea turtle egg actually hatching and then how long a young sea turtle might survive.  The students learned that only 1% of the eggs laid will actually mature into an adult sea turtle.
Mrs. McCullough presenting the Sea Lab representative with a check.

Elizabeth and Alex looking at sea turtle eggs and a preserved baby.

Showing off their ping pong ball eggs.

Justin, Zach and Franklin checking it all out.

Holding their eggs  carefully as to not lose them.

Camille was one of the two eggs that survived until adulthood, 8 years.

Our class after the presentation.