Sunday, December 16, 2012

What's Happening This Week

This is a short week and the end to the 2nd Quarter. 
There will be no Spelling this week.

Monday is a full day. 
Chapel will be held in the Church.  The third grade classes will sing.

Tuesday is an early dismissal day.
We will have our Christmas party at 10:30.

December Book Reports

We presented our Reading Projects.
Pictures this week and caption by Caroline J.


Lilly's Look at the Week

This week we had a speaker from Alabama Power.  She told us about electricity.  She showed us the Safe-t-opolis.  It would show us how dangerous electricity can be.  We also had a Math test.
By Lilly J.

What Is Happening Here?

Angel Tree Donations

Mrs. Winters came to out class and showed us the items we were able to purchase for our angel tree children.  Our class purchased enough items to get the children everything they asked for. 
 Thank you for your donations.

We love Mrs. Stewart!

Politely Disagreeing

Our OLWEUS meeting explained the difference between being disagreeable and politely disagreeing.  We role played as a class ways to be polite and respectable to both adults and peers.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What's Happening This Week

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  The end of the semester is quickly approaching. This will be a busy week as we take last assessments for the quarter. Please make every effort to see that your child is at school and on time.

Math:   Finishing Chapter 5.  Test will be December 13th (Thursday).

Reading: We will test on the book Santa Paws on Wednesday, Dec. 12th. The students will be given a vocabulary review sheet and study guide on Tuesday. December book project instructions have been given. This must be a holiday book.  Any holiday is acceptable and the book does not have to be a chapter book. Refer to project directions for more specific information. Due date: Wed. December 12th.

Writing: We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are working on their descriptive writing pieces.

Science: Magnets and Descriptive writing on magnets.   We will be making temporary magnets and  discussing induced magnetism and the strength of magnetism. Vocabulary words have already been sent on the quizlet link.
History:   Test on Chapter 4, The Cotton Kingdom, Tuesday, Dec. 11th. Binder check on that day as well. We will also celebrate Alabama’s birthday on Friday,
Dec. 14th!

Spelling:  Spelling Test on Friday, December 14th. We are focusing on similes this quarter. The simile for this week is “as tough as nails” meaning strong; determined. Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 14.  Classroom words are Christmas, induced, secession, trillion
Upcoming Events:
December 13th- Alabama Power presentation
December 17th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
December 18th- Dismissal at 11:40(Group1); 11:50 (Group2)
December 19- January 2- Christmas Holidays
January 3rd- Classes Resume

A Week Through Alexis's Eyes

This week we went to a play called Babes in Toyland.  The play was about a girl that went to Toyland because she thought the Toy Master could help her with her mortgage.  It ended up the Toy Master helped everyone with their mortgage.

Our Week by Glynn

THis week we did a lot of fun things and dome work.  We learned our new unit in math.  One day in math we played a game all of the lesson.  In reading we finished our unit and we finished our projects.  We also had a party for Ms. Brown when she left.

Push or Pull

A challenge was given to the class; to make a car move without touching the car.  Each car had a magnet taped to the top.  Students had to experiment with an extra magnet to force the car to move.  Once the students were successful in making the car move, the challenge became to move the car over an incline.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What's Happening This Week

Important Information:
 We are participating in the Angel Tree program this year. Please allow your child to do chores at home to raise money to help purchase gifts for our angels. These children are students at the Regional School. Send all donations to school in an envelope marked Angel Tree by Tuesday, Dec. 4th

Friday, Dec. 7th, your child will have the opportunity to Christmas shop in the Campus Store. Please send permission slip and money (if they are not charging on an account) by Wednesday morning.

Friday, Dec. 7th, we will go to the Saenger theater to watch Babes in Toyland.  Please provide a sack lunch and drink for your child.

We will be continuing Chapter 5 with a focus on Partial Product and Lattice Multiplication.   The test will be December 12th.

We will begin a review Unit this week. Everyone will be reading the book Santa Paws. This is a fun holiday book and is great for reviewing past skills in reading (sequence of events, main idea, cause and effect and character). December book project instructions have been given. This must be a holiday book.  Any holiday is acceptable and the book does not have to be a chapter book. Refer to project directions for more specific information. Due date: Wed. December 12th.

We will continue our Unit on descriptive writing. PATTERN STATEMENT: well-chosen words create pictures.  Students are working on their descriptive writing pieces.

We will continue to experiment with magnets.  We will focus on writing a descriptive paper focusing on the vocabulary hats.

Continuing Chapter 4, The Cotton Kingdom, this week.

 Simile for this week is “as good as gold” meaning very good; obedient.
Alabama Fact should come from fact P. 13.
Classroom Words:  lattice, repel, transportation
Important Dates:
December 3rd- Chapel- 8:00- Theatre
December 3rd- 4th Grade GEMS
December 4th- Angel Tree money due
December 7th- Christmas Shopping in the Campus Store during PE Time.
December 7th- Field Trip- Babes in Toyland- Saenger Theatre- 8:20-11:00- Sack lunch and drink needed.
December 10th- Chapel- Theatre- 8:00
December 17th- Church- 8:15- St. Paul’s Church
December 18th- Dismissal at 11:40(Group1); 11:50 (Group2)
December 19- January 2- Christmas Holidays
January 3rd- Classes Resume