Sunday, August 26, 2012

Angles Are Everywhere

We have deep into Unit 1 in Math.  The focus is on lines, angles, and polygons.  The class has enjoyed singing and dancing to the Jammin Classroom songs.  The songs we have focused on are Angles Are Everywhere, focus on right, acute and obtuse angles, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, and Polygons.  You should ask your student to sing a refrain from the songs and show the dance moves.  I am sure you have heard them at home already as the tune stays in your head.
Julia Palmer and Clara Leder working in their buddy group. 
We spend a portion of every class in cooperative groups.

More groups hard at work.

Is a square also a rhombus or is it a rhombus is also a square?

Every class starts with homework check, mental math and a
math message.
Pictures courtesy of Aerielle R.