Sunday, August 26, 2012

Important Information

The school will keep you updated with information regarding the upcoming hurricane.

Also make sure you check the Important Information section on the right hand column of the blog for any test dates, upcoming activities, or items needed.

It has been a great first full week!

Picture of the Week

When we were in Science we had to jump rope to see what parts of the body was moving.
Pictures this week and caption by Aerielle R.

Morning Meeting

Trey was our chaplian this week.  He led our class
in the devotion during our morning meetings and led
the class in prayer before lunch.

Lewis shared the items from his bag as we learned more about him.

What Do You See Moving?

Our first topic of study in Science is the skeleton and how it functions.  As an exploratory activity, each student had to watch their partner jump rope for a minute and record every body part they observed moving in their journals.  Each student played the roll as the jumpee and the observer.  I believe giggles were also observed. 



Mrs. McCullough introducing the visual tool for this unit.

Ira is focused on the task at hand.

J.P. is working on his specks log. 

Angles Are Everywhere

We have deep into Unit 1 in Math.  The focus is on lines, angles, and polygons.  The class has enjoyed singing and dancing to the Jammin Classroom songs.  The songs we have focused on are Angles Are Everywhere, focus on right, acute and obtuse angles, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, and Polygons.  You should ask your student to sing a refrain from the songs and show the dance moves.  I am sure you have heard them at home already as the tune stays in your head.
Julia Palmer and Clara Leder working in their buddy group. 
We spend a portion of every class in cooperative groups.

More groups hard at work.

Is a square also a rhombus or is it a rhombus is also a square?

Every class starts with homework check, mental math and a
math message.
Pictures courtesy of Aerielle R.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Days of School Activities

We have had a very busy first three days of school.  Our binders are organized and prepared for success!  Let the fun begin.
Enjoying snack and friendly conversation while decorating our Science Journals.
Wrapping up our work.

The class enjoyed personalizing each journal and wished they had more time.
 I've got a creative class.

William working diligently in his writing journal.

This is a hard working class!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome Back to School

I am thrilled with my class list and have heard nothing but great things about my students.  I'm looking forward to a tremendous year with you.

Some important things to note:
1.  Parent Preview is Monday at 11.
2.  Student Drop-in is Tuesday from 11-12:30.  Please bring a sharpee with you to label your supplies.
3.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are half days.  Uniform required.  Make sure to bring a snack and drink.
4.  Monday is the first full day of the school year.  Make sure to bring your pe uniform.