Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Creating the "whole" or the "one" with smaller fractions.
One method of subtracting fractions was with the cover up
method.  Students used shapes to cover up the part of the
fraction being taken away.

Students practiced on the board, in partners,
and in small groups. 

One way we reviewed equivalent fractions was
by playing four corners Quizmo. 

It's All About Herbs

Mrs. Carley came on Monday and showed us all kids of different
plants and we also got to try some foods.
Pictures and caption and Sage V.

Fresh pesto to sample on and off noodles.

Mrs. Carley debating fresh vs dried herbs in cooking.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Music Class

This is Elizabeth singing her song that she made up.  It is called Soggy, Salty Peanuts.
Pictures and Caption by Victoria H.

Alex playing the xylophone.

Lucas giving it a try.

Sage follows along in rhythm.
And they all played together to create a beautiful sound.
Max  B. and Natalie join in the fun with Alex.

January Book Reports

This month the students had to read a biography and create a hanger model of their person of choice.  Our class did a tremendous job, not only on the hanger models but the reports were extremely well written.  Here are a few pictures courtesy of Victoria.

Our class with their projects.

Some more of our projects with a better view.

Mrs Carley Cooks with Herbs

My mom, Susan Carley, helped a lot with the garden.  She helped plant the seeds, designing the garden, and most of all picking it.  Then we planted herbs.  So she came to my classroom and taught every class in the fourth grade about herbs.  She cooked stuff with herbs and let us eat it.  The pesto was delicious.

By Ross C.