Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meeting a Blind Artist

The fourth grade students had the opportunity to meet a local blind artist.  They listened to his life story, saw the materials and tools he uses on a daily basis.  The class even watched in awe as he demonstrated how he paints daily even though he cannot see the canvas.  The students were amazed at his accomplishments and enjoyed "feeling" his paintings.  Every student took a picture and painted it.  Two artists working on one canvas, amazing!
A 3D braille poster to show students.  Fabric paint is used to feel the canvas.

A demonstration of drawing the turtle.  He feels where the crayon has been so he knows where to draw next.

Victoria, Grace, Camille, and Sage.

Natalie, Mikhaila, Isobel, Elizabeth, Alex, Lilli

Matthew, Wilkes, Zach, Myles, and Max B.

Zach, Justin, Lucas, Max J., and Ross.