Sunday, January 29, 2012

Angled Pipe Cleaners

Our class wrapped up Unit 6 in Math with two days of intellectual art.  Since we reviewed angles in the unit, the students had to design 3D structures using angles only.  You could say that several attempts were made before they found one they were proud of designing.  After a while at designing their structure, students were allowed to create whatever they wanted. Some of the creations were buildings, ducks, wireless cell phones, flowers, and the sun.   I did not know that fourth graders would have so much fun playing with pipe cleaners.  I was proud of what they created and had a blast watching them laugh with each other.

A Moment From Our Week

On Wednesday we got to bring two props to show what we want to be when we grow up.  Ross wanted to be a football player, Zach wanted to be a doctor and Max B. wanted to be a soccer player.  After that we all took a hard test that took the whole math period.  Then we went to the library .  We read Nanny Piggens and found out what we wanted to.

Written by Thomas P.

A Strategy Trip

We are at Thomas P.'s house jumping on his trampoline.  We were doing it for reading and spelling.
Pictures and caption  by Franklin F.

Thomas calling out a space between words.

Robin taking a "space".

Justin calling out letters.
Franklin having his turn at calling out the strategy.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Moment From Our Week

This year we have been getting points for how well we have been doing in specials. We have made it up to 150 points and have decided to have a Fun Friday. Fun Friday is when we get to bring an electronic to school to play with during free time. Our work has paid off and so, "See you after Fun Friday."
Written by Max J.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Photo of the Week

This is the computer lab and these kids are learning computer skills.

Photos and caption by Matthew M.

Finding Kind

Today we went to the theater.  We got to listen to people talking about finding kind.  First, for the opening, two girls sang "Mean" by Taylor Swift to let everybody know not to be mean.  Then two other girls have traveled all around the country talking to girls about their new movie "Finding Kind" and to be nice to others.  We got to write apology notes, thank you notes, and what you will improve.  It was cool meeting them because they made a movie.  It was also fun because only girls got to see it.  It was a really cool day.

Written by Sage V.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Conductors and Insulators

In Science we are discovering what items serve as conductors and as insulators.  We have tested items inside the classroom and took our discoveries outside.  Students discovered that items they thought were conductors didn't work because they were coated in an insulator.  We concluded that all conductors had one thing in common, they were all metal.  Glass, plastic, paper, wood, and cotton serve as insulators.
Lucas, Victoria and Max B. testing the door knob to see if it is a conductor or insulator.

Franklin, Zach, Camille, Lilly and Carolyn finding another item to test.

Alex, Thomas, Robin, and Sadie discuss whether the item they tested is a conductor or insulator.

Meeting a Blind Artist

The fourth grade students had the opportunity to meet a local blind artist.  They listened to his life story, saw the materials and tools he uses on a daily basis.  The class even watched in awe as he demonstrated how he paints daily even though he cannot see the canvas.  The students were amazed at his accomplishments and enjoyed "feeling" his paintings.  Every student took a picture and painted it.  Two artists working on one canvas, amazing!
A 3D braille poster to show students.  Fabric paint is used to feel the canvas.

A demonstration of drawing the turtle.  He feels where the crayon has been so he knows where to draw next.

Victoria, Grace, Camille, and Sage.

Natalie, Mikhaila, Isobel, Elizabeth, Alex, Lilli

Matthew, Wilkes, Zach, Myles, and Max B.

Zach, Justin, Lucas, Max J., and Ross.

Visual Tools

A Christmas Village

Zach constructing his factory.

Matthew worked nonstop creating his masterpiece.

Bouncing ideas and sharing supplies hsa always proved to be useful.

Max J. celebrates finally being done.  The circuit works!

Lighting the bulb.  All it took was one little light.

Camille wirking carefully to create doors and windows.

Myles trying to construct his skyscraper.