Sunday, April 29, 2012

Turtle Contest Winner

Natalie D.

Moment from the Week

The cake walk was so cool.  I, Thomas P., was the second one to get picked.  I picked my own cake.  Myle's cake was the biggest one, it was huge! 

Written by Thomas P.

Our Cakes

There is one picture missing which would include our photographer, Carolyn J.

Turtle Cake Walk

Around and around they go.

The fourth graders raised $499.00 so far.

Checking out the possibilities.

Thomas twirling the turtle stick.

This picture was taken at the beginning of the walk.

Robin was the first winner of the class.
Of course he took home the largest cake.

Where they will stop? No one knows.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eggy Week

This week, our class had to write a story about an egg that came to life and went on an adventure.  It either had to go on 4 adventures, or the adventure had to last 4 days.  We also got to design a plastic egg and present it.  It was a lot of fun.
                                                          Written by Natalie D.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Have You Seen Any Endangered Species?

This is a picture of some masks we made in Art.  They were selected to be in the art show.
We have a giant panda, an anteater, a peregrine falcon, Grevvy's zebra, an elephant, a tiger, and a lynx.
These are made out of felt, clay, and googly eyes.  Some ther things are feathers, balls, and other things.
Picture and Caption by Alex R.

The girls worked diligently creating their masks. 
Too bad you can't see all the details up close.

The guys worked just as hard.  True keepsake items.
Please make sure to come see all your student's hardwork this week.  The are presenting thier PowerPoints during Technology block.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sea Turtle Cake Walk

The fourth grade students are trying to raise money to help sea turtles. There will be a jar to collect any money in the classroom. In the spirit of helping the sea turtles there will be a cake walk next Friday during P.E. Please help us out by sending in a cake, cookies, or cupcakes for the cake walk. It would be fun if the cake was shaped like a turtle or supported the theme but not necessary. These items are not due until the day of, or day before if needed. Thank you for your support and help.

Easter Egg Hunt by Lucas

Friday, April 6th, 2012, our class and Mrs. McCullough's class went to the Regional School of the Deaf and Blind. Everyone got partnered up with a student. Some were blind, some were deaf, and some were both. The boys helped them make cards, paint eggs, and make ducks, while the girls helped them paint eggs, make cards, and let them decorate bonnets. After that was the egg hunt. They were only allowed to get three eggs, so that made some kids sad, but it was still fun watching them. After that we left. We all thought the school was amazing!
Written by Lucas B.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Regional School Egg Hunt

Learning how to help the students.

The tour of the classrooms.

Alex helping her friend create a bonnet.
Elizabeth and Victoria peeling stickers.

Camille assisted 2 young ladies in decorating the bonnets.

Thomas also had 2 buddies. 
The guys made ducks.

Zach gluing down the legs of their duck.

Max B. helping his little buddy.

Dying eggs was interesting.  Just ask Lucas.

Carolyn and Isobel

Max J. aiding his buddy in decorating Easter cards.

Sage decorating an egg for her buddy.

The hunt.

Checking out the eggs after the hunt.

Thomas guiding the hunt.

The Easter Story

Listening to the story intently.

Mrs. Wharton reading The Easter Story and
sharing the Resurrection Eggs.

Art Masks

I will post more pictures when they are all completed. 
 I WILL say that this class is extremely talented and creative.  I love them.

What Creates Sound?

 We have tested various ways to create sound and determining what causes the sound.  Students journaled their discoveries.  It was determined that length and tension affects the pitch and the vibrations.