Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Few Reminders

  1. Math test is Wednesday.
  2. Angel tree money is due this Thursday, December 1.
  3. Walking downtown tour field trip on December 1. Bring a sack lunch.
  4. Field Trip December 2 to see a play.  Bring a sack lunch.

Breaking the Force

Myles and Camille testing how many washers it will take to
break the force of magnetism.

This group is debating how many washers it will take to cause the
two magnets to seperate.

A Look At Reading and Social Studies

Isobel researching.

No task is too tough for these ladies.

Ross, Max B., Max J., and Myles work together.

The answer is here somewhere.
Isobel and her creation for a Reading assignment.

Natalie working on the idea framework for Old Yeller.

Pep Rally Against Hueytown

Getting ready for the pep rally against Hueytown.

Cheering on our team.

Let's go Saints!

Exploreum Field Trip



Picture of the Week

Mrs. Benton is on her computer showing the class a game. She's the quarterback and she has to send it to the receiver. Everyone's cheering for her. The mouse is broken though. If it keeps that up, she'll have to buy a new computer.

Pictures and Caption by Mikhaila H.
The Place Value Internet Game played in math.

A Moment From Our Week

Pep Rally

Our class went to the Pep Rally.  Dustin Hood was there.  The guys from WABB and all the St. Paul's players were there.  The pep rally was on Quigley Field and 3rd and 4th graders got to go.  We cheered for our team!  It was awesome!

By Franklin F.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Moment From Our Week

Testing Magnets

This week we tested things to see if they were magnetic.  We tested nails, screws, rubber bands, copper, cardboard, foam, paper clips, string, different rocks, and pieces of screen.  The class took magnets and put them on the objects.  We found out that the paper clips, the nails, the screws, the screen, and only one of the type of the rocks stuck to the magnet.  Everything else didn't stick.  The things that stuck were magnetic.  Everything else wasn't.  That's how we got our results for this 4th grade experiment.

Written by Elizabeth H.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Donations Donations Donations

It is the time of year for donations.  I just want to update you on all the things we have going on.
1. Used glasses
2. Items for the class store
3. Gently used books for all grade levels for the Regional School of the Deaf and Blind
4. Canned Food for the food drive
5. Paper shred for Benny's cage
6. Recess equipment that you no longer use at home.

Veteran's Day Assembly

Waving our flags as we walked towards the parade.

Natalie captured a beautiful picture of the flag as we walked toward the stadium. 

Reading with Mrs. Wharton

Several students have the opportunity to read with Mrs. Wharton during the week. 
Mrs. Wharton enriches the students' reading abilities.

Discovering Magnetism

Franklin and Lucas separated items from a bag into two groups,
 things that stick vs. things that don't stick.

Zach and Mikhaila testing an item's magnetism.

Picture of the Week

Thomas and Robin testing magnets in Science.
Picture and caption by Natalie D.