Sunday, October 30, 2011

Great Science Games Galore!

(equally effective, too)

ZONK!  Zonk is a great game that requires both skill and the luck of the draw.  Mrs. Benton asks one person from each team a science question.  The first person who answers it goes up to the board and draws a card, 1-20.  The team gets that number of points, but if the card has ZONK! on it you erase the whole team's points. Team 1 won (no pun intended)  in our class. 

Who likes picturica?  In Science, we played a picturica guessing game.  Someone drew a picture of their science word and their team would have 30 seconds to guess.  If time was up and the word remained unguessed, the other team gets 1 shot at it.  It was a hard battle.  10 and 10 and still anyone's game.  Mrs. Benton drew the tie-breaking picture...finally the girls guess it! 

These games are super fun and educational!

Written by Alex R.


Zonk is a Science review game.  Mrs. Benton is teaching us how to play.
We play Zonk in rounds to get us ready for the test.
Pictures and caption by Wilkes H.

Our Philanthropy

The fourth graders have taken on a new philanthropy project this year.  We have partnered up with the Alabama Regional School of the Deaf and Blind.  We will have a teacher from the school come and speak with us this coming week.  Our students have been busy decorating collection boxes and posters to place around both St. Paul's campuses.  We will be collecting any used glasses, the prescription does not need to be known, and then giving them to a group that can deliver these glasses in those in need.  The students have enjoyed making these boxes.  Please help us collect glasses!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Picture of the Week

This boy named Matthew is doing Science. 
He put his hand next to the stick and another person dropped the cup and he tries to put his hand away. 
Picture and Caption by Carolyn J.

A Moment from Our Week

On Tuesday in science, we had a lot of fun because we got to check our response time.  We did this by putting a cup on a stick and dropping the cup.  One of the two people would put their hand under the cup, then the other person would drop the cup.  We had to see if we could get our hand out from under it before the cup touched our hand.  It was lots of fun.
                               Written by Matthew M.

Homecoming Pictures

Receiving our noise makers before the pep rally.

Max and Franklin waiting patiently for the festivities.


Heading out to the Horseshoe to cheer on the band and the football players.

Let's Go Saints!

Waiting for the lower school students to pass so we can head to the stadium.

Taking our place.

Watching the senior football players dance.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And We Have Plants!

The fourth graders have worked over the past few weeks to get our garden ready for plants.  They learned how to check the acidity of the soil, plot a garden, till the soil, and determine which plants to plant first based on the sun.  This past Thursday, the students got to plant the first plants of the year.  They planted both seedlings and seeds along with some herbs.  We will be watching to see if the fruits of our labor are great.  Thank to everyone who has helped us with the garden.  We really appreciate it!
Matthew and Elizabeth plant some lettuce.

Mrs. Carley shows the class how to pull the plants out correctly.  Justin watches intensely.

Thank you to our volunteers, Mrs. Carley and Mrs. Fesenmeier.

Polygon Scavenger Hunt

Our class went on a polygon scavenger hunt to wrap up unit 3.  Each group was given a digital camera and a list of lines, polygons, and angles to find.  The groups had to search in Saints Square and in the L building area.  The pictures taken are being used to create books to hopefully share with younger grades.    
Sage and Natalie searching for an acute angle.

Lucas, Lilli, Victoria, and Zach found a concentric circle.

Max B., Max J., and Alex finding types of lines.

Elizabeth and Wilkes found an obtuse angle. 

Camille was flying away behind parallel lines.

Posing inside a right angle.

Matthew, Grace, and Ross finding lines and angles all in one spot.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Vote Is In!

Our class voted today during our Morning Meeting on the name of our new class pet.  We used the new voting tool on the Epson.  Every student got to go up to the board and use the epson pen to place their vote.  Once everyone selected their choice, we closed the voting and the computer system generated a bar graph of the results.  Here is the breakdown.

Little Lightening...4

Please help us welcome BENNY to our classroom!

Our New Class Pet

It's the Homecoming week and we're all getting ready, then the next thing we know we have a class pet.  Our little pet is a guinea pig.  His name is Benny, and he's brownish-gray with cute, big eyes.  He lives in a two story cage in the back of our room to nibble here, nibble there, and nibble everywhere.  But we didn't just get this little guy.  We had to work hard in specials to get a good report on how we did.  After a few weeks we had enough good reports and the grant came in.  So he's in our classroom, in his house, in luxury (well almost).
P.S.  We are going to need more bedding if you have any.  Thanks!

                                                      By Max J.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our Class Jobs

This picture is about Thomas passing out lunch cards.  We have jobs like the teacher assistant.  You can't pick out a job, the teacher does that.  Thomas's job is the cafeteria manager.  After the week (Friday) you get payed.
Written by Max B.

Spelling Short Plays

We acted out our spelling homework plays during Morning Meeting.  The students had a great time laughing and supporting each other.  There are some writers in our class, some funny ones at that.
Alex's group of actresses.
Zach and Lucas acting out Matthew's play.

Myles and Max reading Myles short play.

Ross reading lines from Max J.'s play.

Ross's play.

Victoria reading her part.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Watching the Band

This past Friday we got the opportunity to cheer on the St. Paul's Marching Band
while they marched to the pep rally.  A fun time was had by all.

I apologize for the sideways video view but I took it with my camera phone and am unable to turn it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

4th Grade Garden

In Science, my class planted a garden.  Everyone got a turn to dig.  We pulled the weeds out from the dirt.  We also dug holes and planted plants in them.  The weather was hot.  It felt like summer.  I had a fun time planting the garden.
 Story and Pictures by Grace H.